Timing college for LD teens: When to pause and when to jump in?
According to recent statistics, nearly 70 percent of American high school graduates attend college in the fall after they graduate. For most neurotypical students, it was always where they would attend college, not if. That’s not always the case for students with learning disabilities. For students who learn differently, figuring out whether college fits in their post-high school plans isn’t so cut-and-dried. Students and families must make real choices about their after-high school plans and planning for where and when to try college is crucial. You’ll meet a student who went through the process this summer. Next, our “Ask the Experts” panel will answer how parents can discern when their student who learns differently is ready for college. Later, you’ll meet our latest “Difference Maker,” Mackenzie Thorpe, a British artist whose heartwarming paintings and sculptures make the world a much nicer place.