Difference Maker Alix Generous
In a multitasking world where it’s common for people to wear many hats, Alix Generous might do well investing in a hat store. Generous is a researcher, writer, entrepreneur, a play and music therapist, consultant, artist, feminist, advocate, and public speaker who has given a TED talk and addressed the United Nations. And she has served as a script consultant for the TV show, “Everything’s Gonna Be Okay.” Yet, there is one hat that dominates her life: the one stamped “actually autistic.” Years of misdiagnosis led Generous to don another hat — as an autism advocate. Her TED talk “How I learned to communicate my inner life with Asperger’s” has racked up more than two million views. And she’s become a fierce champion of companies neurodiversifying the workforce, having consulted with companies such as The Spectrum Works, which works with corporations to hire autistic workers.