Difference Maker Peter Shankman

Airdate: May 2021

The New York Times has called Peter Shankman “a rock star who knows everything about social media and then some.” He is a five times best-selling author, entrepreneur, and corporate keynote speaker, focusing on customer service and the new and emerging customer and neuro-atypical economy. With three startup launches and exits under his belt, (most notably a service called Help a Reporter Out) Peter is recognized worldwide for radically new ways of thinking about the customer experience, social media, PR, marketing, advertising, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and the new Neurodiverse and Remote economies. And then there’s His podcast, Faster than Normal — a leading podcast on ADHD, focusing on the superpowers and gifts of having a “faster than normal brain,” which has helped thousands of people all around the world realize that having a neurodiverse brain is actually a gift, not a curse.